| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑


| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

Hello again, in this article, I am very pleased to have you here. Our article for today is about Earn money online. We will talk about one of the best and most reliable specialized sites in this field, which is coinpayu. This site is very good for beginners and for those who want to collect their first dollars or digital currencies from the Internet. It is good for this purpose. Just some enthusiasm and patience, and through it you will be able to collect good sums. We will discuss everything related to this site in this article.

First, we will talk about the presence and strength of Coinpayu on the Internet

It is a website with a strong presence on the Internet that has been operating since 2017, according to whois.com statistics, and it receives approximately 12 million visitors per month from all over the world, according to similarweb.com statistics. You can verify that yourself.

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

How to create an account on coinpayu website

First, to open the site, click here
Then click on Register

Enter the routine data to register the account, such as the email or phone number if you are required to enter it, then the password ... etc. Then agree to the terms and conditions and check the captcha you want. There are two types of captchas. I prefer the Google-captcha, which is the easiest, then click on Register Congratulations, you have created an account on the site. If you are asked to confirm or activate your account via e-mail, do so. You will receive a message in your e-mail.

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

How to (coinpayu login)

After you have finished opening an account on the coinpayu website, go to log in and enter the same data with which you opened the account as required, whether the email or phone number, then enter 
the password

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

Coinpayu website control panel

This control panel contains all the data related to your activity on the site, whether it is the profits that you have earned or the amounts that you have deposited, and so on.

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

How to earn money from coinpayu

The first way is through view ads

Go to view ads

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

You will see a list here

The first option on this list is Surf Ads

This option allows you to earn money by watching ads. Ads will open in a new tab without an iframe. Second, there is a timer for every ad you visit. There are ads asking you to stay in it for sixty seconds. There are 30-second ads. There are 20-second ads. There are 15-second ads. The more advertising time, the higher your earnings.

coin ads   Earn money online  from  coinpayu  For starters 🤑🤑

The second option on this list is Window Ads

This option works the same as the Surf Ads option, but the different thing is that Ads will be opened in a new tab with an iframe. Users are forced to view ads until the timer is over.

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

The third option on this list is Article Ads

This option is also similar to the previous options, but it contains some simple conditions and additions, which are as follows

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

The fourth option on this list is Video Ads

In this option, you are asked to watch a video for a specific period of time. This option contains a timer like the previous options. You are not forced to interact with the video. It is enough to watch it according to the period of time required of you.

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

Earn money from coinpayu by completing offers and surveys

Go to the Offers option and choose the offer or survey that you want and you can complete it according to what is required of you, after that you will get the money

Note: The Offers option is the most profitable option on the coinpayu website

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

Make money from cryptocurrency faucets at coinpayu

Go to the Faucet option and choose any of the faucets available to you. This option enables you to win different cryptocurrencies by collecting them from different faucets. You can collect digital currencies from one faucet once every sixty minutes. I will show you pictures of how to do that

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

How to benefit from what is collected from the cryptocurrency faucets at Coinpayu

Each faucet gives you a different digital currency, and the amount of any digital currency you collected will appear in its faucet. Each faucet has a minimum limit for withdrawing, bartering, or converting digital currencies. For example, the bitcoin faucet has a minimum transfer limit for the basic balance on the coinpayu site, or for bartering against any other digital currency, also the faucet Dedicated to collecting Cardano, for example, there is a minimum limit to withdraw from it or to exchange the balance of the faucet for another digital currency, whatever it is

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

| coin ads | | Earn money online | from | coinpayu | For starters 🤑🤑

That's all. I hope this article is useful and valuable, and I thank those who read it completely because this makes me happy and makes my effort not wasted.
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